b) The Prophet Mani & his Teachings

Mani and his Liberating Gnosis:  Chronologically the last, but spiritually one of the pre-eminent Gnostic teachers was Mani of Persia.  (Seen here is his portrait-icon by J.V. Saether which hangs in our sanctuary.)  Mani’s Gnosis remained influential in Europe and Asia for over a thousand years. Regrettably his literary heritage is still neglected by much of scholarship.  In these talks Dr. Hoeller reviews Mani’s teachings, and share many singularly poetic and ecstatic prayers and hymns of this tradition.  We shall also clear up some hostile propaganda about what is “Manichaean”!

Here are the individual titles:

• The Perennial Message of the Prophet Mani. The life and teachings of the Prophet Mani; his way of liberation, and the applicability of his message today. 74:02 #101501
• Light and Dark: Mani’s Myth of the Primal Battle. How the world and humanity came to their present state? What is it that we need to be liberated from ? What are the means of liberation? 65:46 #101502
• Mani’s Psychology and the Five Stages of Spiritual Progress. The Soul’s Five Qualities and the progression from Hearer to Master. Who was Mani in reality and who may be his analogue today? 69:33 #101503
• Verbal Gems from the Light: A Sampling of Manichaean Scriptures. Vision of the Saviour; the promise of the joyous life; departure for the Fullness; the Lord of Light; the prayer that shows the face of God. 69:39 #101504
• The Heirs of Mani; their Deeds and Message. Initiatory Gnosis: Did Freemasonry have Manichaean roots? Priscillian of Avila; were the Cathars disciples of Mani? 75:24 #101505


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