• Secret Orders, Initiates & Conspiracies

The Myths and Realities of Secret Orders, including Initiatory Spirituality from ancient Shamans to contemporary Freemasons, and Gnostic, Hermetic, Mithraic and other Esoteric sources.  What is the Secret and the current role of such Orders?  This set is of special interest to students of Freemasonry (the Masons or Masonic Orders), Templars, Ceremonial Magicians and other esoteric initiatory associations.

The individual titles are:

• The Rosy Cross and Golden Dawn. The mysterious Rosicrucians and their legendary founder, Chr. Rosencreuz. Medieval Rosicrucianism and its late 19th Century offspring, the Golden Dawn. The role of the Golden Dawn in the revival of Kabbalah, Tarot and Magic. 83:00 #301301
• The Mysterious Rosicrucians. Founders and leaders of the first Rosy Cross. Continuation of the Rosy Cross in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Masonic connections. The Rosy Cross today. 80:46 #301302
• Templars and Freemasonry. Did the Templar traditions continue in Freemasonry? What is Freemasonry and how does it connect with the Esoteric Tradition? Albert Pike, the American Esotericist-Freemason. Freemasonry and the foundations of the American Republic 80:29 #301303
• Freemasonry: Boon or Enigma? Are the rumors about Masonic conspirators justified or has Masonry been a beneficent force in Western Culture? What role may Masonry play in the 21st Century? 84:51 #301304
• Martinism and French Esotericism. Little known in English-speaking countries, French inner traditions are one of the most fascinating of all such subjects. Descending from Cathar and Templar roots, the schools of Eliphas Levi, Martines de Pasqually, Louis Claude de St. Martin and their traditions and organizations. France as the prime esoteric country of Europe. 78:26 #301305
• The Martinist Heirs of Louis Claude de St. Martin. Papus, Sedir, Master Phillippe and Peladan. The revived Martinist Order of Papus. The French neo-romantic and symbolist figures in the Martinist movement. Phillippe the amazing spiritual Master of the Martinist revival. 80:47 #301306
• The Jesuits: Holy Men or Menace? The Misadventures of the Society of Jesus. The controversial activities of the Jesuits throughout history. How they became the most revered and most hated order. The ambivalent role of the Jesuits in the late 20th Century and their feud with Pope John Paul II. 80:23 #301307
• The Illuminati Conspiracy: Is It Real? The Bavarian Illuminati and their subversive fame. Did the Illuminati survive into the 19th and 20th Centuries? Do we need to fear “Illuminati Conspiracies” today? 76:58 #301308
• Conspiracies, Real and Imagined. The Illuminati and their weird legacy; why are they feared centuries after their demise? The Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission as mysterious power-broker. Skull and Bones, the 200 year old secret order of Yale University; Opus Dei, the Catholic secret society of Da Vinci Code fame. 79:52 #301309
• Secret Orders of the East and some of their Menace to the West. The Hung Society; historical “Freemasonry” of China and the “Huis” of the modern Chinese milieu, such as the Triad societies and the Falung Gong. Moslem warrior cults from the Assassins to Al Queda and more. 72:44 #301310



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