s) Jung’s “Seven Sermons to the Dead”

The Gnosis of C.G. Jung: Two decades ago Dr. Hoeller’s pioneering books The Gnostic Jung (1982) and Jung and the Lost Gospels (1989) called attention to C.G. Jung’s Gnostic spiritual orientation. (Jung’s late son, Franz specially thanked Dr. Hoeller for accurately representing his father’s position). Now, edited by Dr. Sonu Shamdasami, Jung’s famous “Red Book” and other unpublished writings are public.

Here Dr. Hoeller presents a series of lectures on Jung’s Gnosis, in part based on Jung’s “Seven Sermons to the Dead”. The fifth and sixth lectures are a special presentation on the subject of Abraxas, a topic present in Jung’s sermons. Abraxas amulets were made available to Dr. Hoeller, and photographic images were presented in a slide show in the first of these two presentations. These images are included as companion to the audio recording. The last lecture explores the meaning of Abraxas as embraced by the Gnostic Christians of the earliest centuries of the Christian era.

Here are the individual titles:

• “Seven Sermons to the Dead”: Jung and the Gnostics. 74:26 #100900
Jung the Gnostic Prophet and his Seven Sermons. An overview of Jung’s Gnostic Wisdom. 75:18 #100901
• Fullness, Sun and Abraxas. The Gnostic Foundations of Human Consciousness. (Sermons 1-3.) 81:02 #100902
• Cosmic Opposites. Gnostic Creative Dualism expressed Psychologically. (Sermons 4 and 5.) 73:50 #100903
• The Way beyond the Stars. Spiritual Wholeness as the Goal of Human Life. (Sermons 6 and 7.) 62:51 #100904
• Abraxas Amulets in Image and Reality. Illustrated with slides and an exhibit of magnificent original Gnostic Gems! Audio/image issue 12/05: “Illustrated with images viewable with your web browser, see the related html web-style pages files.” 74:31 #100905
• Why and Wherefore of Gnostic Gems. The Theory of Gnostic Magic associated with Gnostic Amulets. 83:55 #100906


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