• Existentialism & Philosophy

Existentialism and the Roots of 21st Century Philosophy is a set of lectures by Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller on how rationalism and dogmatism came to be defeated by existentialist thought, and how this in turn led to a renewed appreciation of Alexandrian and other ancient wisdom of Gnostic and Hermetic character.

The individual titles are:

• Early Existentialism: Soren Kierkegaard. The “Gloomy Dane as the pioneer of Existentialism with a mystical Christian flavor. 71:35 #300901
• Modern Existentialism: Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger and Albert Camus. The struggle of Existentialism with 20th Century aberrations such as Marxism, Fascism and others. 64:54 #300902
• Friedrich Nietzsche and his “Zarathustra”. The German Poet-Philosopher and his proto-Existentialist manifesto. 67:47 #300903
• C.G. Jung, Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer: Psychological Philosophy. The Existential and related philosophical inspiration that acted as a source of Jung’s depth-psychology 67:33 #300904
• Gnosis, Hermetic Vision and the Return of Spirituality. The rebirth of Alexandrian Gnosis and its relationshipto Existentialist Philosophy. 69:13 #300905



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