“Expansion” Ancient & Modern: An exhibit in a major L.A. museum called attention to the nature and creative value of Ecstasy (exalted altered states of Consciousness). The pivotal discovery that resulted in a “revolution of consciousness” was made by the Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann at Sandoz Laboratories on April 16, 1943. The substance became known as LSD-25, and joins an extensive list of substances used throughout the ages to assist in Vision, Rapture and Magic.
This set of lectures by Dr. Hoeller explores non-ordinary states of consciousness and their practice and value in ecstasy and Gnosis.
Since exalted states of consciousness were always of interest to Gnostics, this collection of lectures salutes Dr. Hofmann and investigates his and other known “doors of perception”.
The individual titles are:
• Introduction to Altered States Ancient and Modern. 53:01 #301000
• Albert Hofmann and his Discovery: LSD-25. “Hofmann’s Potion” and its historical and cultural effects and implications. F rom Molecules to Mystery: The continuing impact of entheogenic research on religion, psychology and other fields. 77:41 #301001
• The Freedom to Know Reality. Academic and Religious Freedom and Expanded Consciousness. 77:27 #301002
• Alan Watts. Explorer of many Mystical Dimensions. 73:25 #301003
• The Man from Ixtlan. Carlos Castaneda’s Journey. 77:42 #301004
• Great Mystics Pt. I: St. Bernard, St. Theresa of Avila and Jacob Boehme. 84:32 #301005
• Great Mystics Pt. 2: Hildegard of Bingen, Mechtild of Magdeburg, the Rhineland Mystics. Brother Steindl-Rast and his views of entheogens in mysticism. 73:32 #301006
• Ceremonial Magic and Altered States. From Simon Magus to the Golden Dawn. 83:19 #301007
• Entheogens of Greece, Persia, and Egypt. The Golden Apples of Apollo, the Haoma drink of Zarathustra and Gordon Wasson’s researches into the “Soma” of the Vedas. 75:44 #301008
•Visionary Traditions of the East. India and Tibet. 83:37 #301009
• The Mysteries of Eleusis. Ecstatic Eucharist of Demeter and the “Eleusinian Mysteries”. 80:20 #301010
• Manna: Mysterious Communion of the Old Testament. 77:32 #301011
• From Druids to Grail: Celtic Ecstatic Traditions. 76:55 #301012
• Altered Consciousness, Culture and Psychology: The Research of Stanislav Grof. 75:45 #301013